The Age of Email Marketing: How to increase engagement through well crafted email marketing campaigns

Email has been around for a staggering amount of time now and businesses have found a multitude of ways other than just intracompany communication to utilize its abilities. You have probably heard that you should be collecting emails from the visitors on your website but what do you do with that information when you have it?


Email marketing has become a staple in the marketing budgets of every big company out there simply because it works when done correctly. I can personally attest to the affects that email marketing has on me in my personal life. I have stayed much more engaged with individuals promoting their companies and large corporations promoting certain products or sales due to their well crafted email marketing campaigns. But what did they have to do to get my email to begin with?


Most people do not just give out their email to any website simply because there is an email capture form in the sidebar. There are multiple things that you can do right now that will help your website work harder for you and garner more emails for you to boost your marketing attempts:


  1. The first thing that you can do that will immediately affect the amount of new subscribers you get is to offer some sort of promotion or free information (that would otherwise be paid information) that they will get when they sign up for your email list. By giving something of value to your website visitors you will automatically gain their trust for your future communications, so long as you keep providing value.
  2. When you go about writing your emails, write to your subscribers as if they are your friends.

    -People are much more apt to open emails that are from people they consider friends rather than corporate
    marketers so begin to build that relationship immediately by the tone and verbiage you use in your

  3. Make sure to use a subject line that piques the curiosity of your subscribers. If your subject line reads “Increase Sales by not being lazy” the reader can probably already assume what you are going to tell them in your email so they will likely not even open it.

    It would be better to have the subject line read “How to generate 50% higher profits with these simple steps”.


By saying that people can get something big with little effort you are essentially challenging what they believe so they are more likely to open your email so they can try and restore order and peace to their world view.


These are just a few ways that you can enhance your email marketing campaigns starting with getting more subscribers to more opened emails.


What are they ways that you find useful for your email marketing campaigns?